Volunteering doesn't simply have to be about stamping envelopes and running coffees, GMP believes that volunteers can be central to the work we do...
We believe volunteering and the stewardship of the time and skills God has given us is one way of participating in global mission. We would love to chat with you and work out a role that matches your skills with GMP's needs.
- GMP Adelaide Office – administration and correspondence
- Community of Young People (embody)
- Ranwadi Church of Christ College, Pentecost - teaching and maintenance
- Londua Technical College, West Ambae - teaching and maintenance
- Sugar Cane Lodge 'The Transit' and Office, Santo - maintenance including tiling, painting & plumbing
Enquire about Volunteering with GMP
Smart Volunteering
The Smart Volunteering campaign, launched by the Australian Government Department of Foreign affairs and Trade, is a great resource to help you be an informed volunteer, a child safe volunteer and a prepared volunteer.
Smart Volunteering Brochure