
Our work is grounded in our experience of God’s goodness throughout more than 100 years of engagement in global mission and our policies are based on this, our understanding of current best practice and the various regulations and codes to which we are committed.  Below are some of our key policies.  Please ­contact us for information on policy areas not covered below.

Privacy Policy

Child Protection Policy

Complaints Policy

GMP Development and Non-Development Activity Policy

GMP Code of Conduct

Sexual Misconduct Policy

Partnership Policy

Whistle-Blower Policy

Incident Management

Public Communication Policy

Complaints Handling Policy

Child-Friendly Complaints Handling Policy

We welcome any complaints or feedback about GMP activities, personnel or non-compliance with these policies. 

Please use the Incident Report Form to report breaches of GMP’s Code of Conduct, any accidents, injuries or near misses while involved in GMP activities,  instances of assault, exploitation or harassment, child abuse or neglect, or participation in fraud, corruption or terrorism within GMP or GMP-supported projects.   

Incident Report Form 

Please email any complaints to complaints@gmp.org.au or contact the GMP Executive Officer: John Lamerton jlamerton@gmp.org.au, Janet Woodlock (Board member): janetnwoodlock@gmail.com or Gordon Buxton (Board Chair): gordonbucko@gmail.com


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