Samson is 102 years old and lives in Chiwekwe Village, Zimbabwe. At his age, he struggles to collect water for himself. To help, young people with ox carts bring him water. “It was really challenging for me as I cannot walk for long distances and so I always had to depend on the boys,” said Samson.
With your support, Global Mission Partners Relief and Development partner, Showers of Blessing, drilled and installed a borehole in Samson’s village. Less than five minutes’ walk from his home!
The borehole is flowing, and Samson proclaims he is “overjoyed”.
“We do not have the resources but if we did, we would organise a huge celebration as a sincere thank you,” Samson expressed.
Over the past ten years, through Safe Water September, many people have experienced this joy, like Samson. Safe water close to communities brings not only great health, hygiene and safety; but great joy when the burdens of water are lifted.
Thank you for supporting Safe Water September this year! Your generosity and commitment makes these projects possible and continues to improve life for people like Samson.
At the time of publication, $137,885 has been generously given to Safe Water September, which will change up to 5515 lives. Thank you for your support. Donations have now closed.
Showers of Blessing Trust's (OSBT) project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).