Easter is a time to tell and retell stories. The story of Jesus and his betrayal, trial, sentencing, crucifixion, and resurrection, connects us to God and each other.
The stories we tell and share are important. Stories that are deeply personal, when shared and heard, enable us to feel more connected with the story and its teller. Communities have stories also. Such stories serve to remind the community of the highs and lows of their shared experience and how they are still connected or bound to each other.
As we embrace the forgiveness found in Jesus’ death, so we live the Easter story.
As we tell the story we do so not because it is a good story to tell, rather we tell it because it is personal to us and shapes us. The Easter season engages us again in what makes being Christian so distinctive. Through Jesus’ death, our sin is forgiven and through his resurrection, we have new life and strength to live as a Christian person.
Our identity as being part of a Christian community is centred in our personal response to the Easter story and our life together as the people of Jesus. Our personal response to Jesus is a point of connection or belonging in a faith community or church.
In such communities, we affirm our faith in, and our experience of, Jesus and his living presence with us. The Easter celebrations invite us to affirm our faith and our connection with each other in our common commitment to Jesus.
Beyond language, culture, and location we together follow Jesus. It does not matter what location we are in, the language we speak, or the cultural assumptions that are real to us. What matters is our knowing Jesus as Saviour and Lord of life, and our commitment to living our lives in the presence of Jesus.
John Gilmore Executive Officer