2019 News

embody Mission Conversations

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Mission is our participation in God’s ongoing and unfolding plan for restitution, reconciliation, and redemption locally, nationally and globally. If that sounds like a lot to grapple with…that’s because it is. The missio Dei (mission of God) is as broad as God is broad, and as specific as God is specific in relationships with individual people.

embody Mission Conversations are spaces we’re making for young people and leaders of young people to explore some of these ideas. At the end of May in Victoria, we gathered with young everyday missionaries in local churches in Ballarat and Mt Evelyn. We chatted to them about local mission, the ways we can see God at work in our neighbourhood, and the ways that we can partner in mission.

We were blessed to have the input of Brad Coath who, with his family, has been embedded in his neighbourhood with Urban Neighbours of Hope (UNOH) for many years. With Brad and everyone else there, we explored discernment, planning, and practices both spiritual and practical that will sustain us as we follow God into the neighbourhood.

Other Mission Conversations will be happening in Victoria and New South Wales throughout the year. 

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