Elizabeth works at the Northern Provincial Hospital on Espiritu Santo and is the only sonographer on the island!
She works on call 24/7 to help scan; providing ultrasound examinations and images for patients. I have been able to offer teaching resources, encourage, learn from and generally give moral support to her. It’s the best experience, to feel useful and able to share my knowledge! I am so grateful to Medical Santo for making this possible.
Medical Santo is an Associate Partner of GMP. They have a dream to up skill the public hospital, so are running a private clinic with accommodation to facilitate volunteers to work in the clinic and/or the hospital. Volunteers representing Churches of Christ Australia have assisted with a rural health project, helping to implement more up to date ambulance/emergency systems, as well as creating a promotional video. What a wonderful way to serve another country and for Medical Santo to provide health professionals practical ways to be involved. I cannot speak more highly of the organisation and its vision for better health care in Northern Vanuatu.
Jo Johnson, SA