2016 News

Driveway Strengthens Connection to Banka

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Campbelltown Church of Christ (CCOC) sent a team of six to conduct their first partner visit to District 11, Thailand, in September 2015. They spent most of their time working in Banka, a rural village close to the Myanmar border. The local church’s ministry in this area is predominantly to the Karen people. The CCOC team assisted the building of a new driveway to provide access to the church whose numbers are exploding – there were 10 baptisms on the Sunday the CCOC team was there with another 14 people baptised a few weeks later. The team was also involved in ministry to local primary schools to help develop relationships with local families who know little about Jesus. Although the driveway project was completed during the visit and the school ministry expanded the local church’s contact with the local area, the greatest outcome from the partner visit was in the development and strengthening of the relationship between CCOC and District 11. We now have many new and deep friendships that will expand the partnership into the future. 

The CCOC team was humbled by the Thai hospitality and privileged to contribute in a small part to the great things God is doing in Thailand. God’s expanding Kingdom is seeing many things in the country put right, especially for those minority people groups who have few legal rights and little knowledge of a restorative and loving God.

Troy Blair, NSW

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