Khayelihle Children’s Village (KCV)
Let's Bring Change through Kids
Khayelihle means “beautiful home” and is home for about 50 orphaned and vulnerable children. KCV was established in 1994 when over 22.5 million Africans were living with HIV/AIDS. While the AIDS epidemic has waned, the economic situation in Zimbabwe still means that many parents feel compelled to abandon their children. KCV now operates on a reconnection model, seeking out the extended family of the children that come to them and reuniting them where it is safe and supportive for the children. Living in a family is the best thing for the child. The village is warm and welcoming place, organised into family units, which becomes their family in the meantime.
Holistic Care
At KCV, the kids live in family groups with a variety of ages in each of five households. House mothers, fathers and aunties look after the children. They are fed, clothed and loved by the staff and have access to a good education. The KCV children are highly regarded at their schools. KCV is a vibrant community of children becoming capable and committed citizens, providing opportunities for them to excel in sport, music and any other endeavour they pursue.
Re-connection with Relatives
KCV seeks the best outcome for the children and where relatives can be identified, KCV works with them to re-establish a relationship with their child and where it is safe and supportive for the children to do so, to return the child to live with the family. Financial support and livelihood training help families to support the child. KCV is also working to find foster families for those children whose relatives cannot be located. Sometimes children are left on the doorstep of a church or hospital so KCV has little or no information about their parents. Finding foster families is challenging because of the difficult economic situation in Zimbabwe.
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