I was fortunate enough to visit one of our incredible NSW church partners in March.
As we celebrate Easter, let’s remember our Global Mission Partners who are bringing new life in difficult circumstances.
In Zimbabwe, water scarcity can lead to conflicts within communities...
As a teenager, Lonny had no direction. When Lonny’s aunty invited him to church, he met Uncle Don Hayward, who helped him find a greater purpose.
I came away from this gathering, challenged by the deep rift in our nation, hopeful, thanks to the emerging generation of Indigenous Christians.
Ashwini has become a role model in her community, setting an example for her family and friends.
Carly and her daughter travelled through the heavy traffic of Manila. They were heading to the International Christian College of Manila (ICCM).
In February, Indigenous Church leaders and theologians gathered from across Australia to attend Raising Our Tribal Voice for Justice.
Our National Church Relationship Manager, Carly, has shared a message for churches this new year!
To start the year, John Lamerton has reflected on God's love and how it guides us in our mission into the new year.
Petros did not have school shoes or socks. He would walk with his eldest sister 5km daily to school in Zimbabwe...
Precious and her family needed a reliable, safe, reliable water source close to their home.