Recently, we’ve all been thinking a lot more about sickness. Thinking about the ways we can reduce the risk of getting ill. Washing our hands with soap, and washing the food that comes into our homes.
But in many parts of the world, people can’t reduce the spread of illness so easily. Much of this is due to a lack of clean water. Their water often comes from a dirty river or a shallow hand-dug well. Washing your hands or your veggies with dirty water quickly leads to contamination from dirt or animal faeces and to diseases like cholera and diarrhoea. People do their best, but with limited hygiene education and access to clean water, it can be tough. Without the resources to change their situation, it can even be demoralising.
This is what life was like in villages along the Ngezi River in Zimbabwe. But things changed – dramatically – with a bore hole project through Showers of Blessings.
Safe clean water became available, and within walking distance! People were able to wash their hands, clean their vegetables, and drink water without the fear of sickness.
“I was using a cloth as a sieve, to separate germs from my drinking water,” said Sithembile, who attended a water workshop in Palawani. “But now I have learnt that I should boil my water instead.”
Since communities like Palawani have gained access to safe and clean water, they have reported that waterborne diseases are no longer present.

'Showers of Blessing Trust (OSBT)' is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).