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COCOA Christmas Offering Resources

Monday, 28 October 2024

Messages of Peace 
A series of messages on Peace to share at Christmas time, by christian leaders from the Churches of Christ network in Australia and our international christian partners.

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To begin our series of Christmas messages, Carly Cassidy, National Church Relationship Manager, shares a reflection God's promise of peace. Christmas is a time of remembering God's promise of peace through his son Jesus. God gives us hope for a restored world, and this inspires us in our mission. We hope this series resources you, your church and community this Christmas.

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Pastor Jody Destry, Discovery Church, Australia, shares on peace within our relationships. Sometimes our relationships can be messy, but God's peace transcends - or exceeds our understanding. It's more than the absence of argument, but a gifts from God. A peace called 'Shalom'. Jody unpacks what God's Shalom can look like in our relationships. 

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Our international partner, Owen Banisua, Churches of Christ Conference in Vanuatu (CCCV) shares on Peace Within Our Families. As christians, we invite God to be at the centre of our relationships, and allow his peace to transform us and our families. In this way, our families can become places of refuge and harmony.

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Donna Savill, Churches of Christ in Queensland, shares on peace in our communities. As Christians, we're called to share God's Shalom/Peace into the challenging places. Donna unpacks what that looks like in practical community work, drawing on the work of Churches of Christ in Queensland.

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Our international partner, Vana Bawm, Bandarban Hills Churches of Christ, shares on Peace in Our Communities. Peace within our communities begins with living out Christ’s command to love our neighbours as ourselves. In a world full of division, we are called to be peacemakers, bringing the love and compassion of Christ to those around us.

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Dr. Ash Barker shares on Peace in Our World. Ash has founded UK based not for profit Seedbeds, and with his wife Anji, founded Newbigin House, UK, and Urban Neighbours of Hope (UNOH). He shares some reflections from his experience in international mission of what the peace promised in the Advent story in Luke 2 can mean today.

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Our international partner, Paulino Malou, Director of Christian Mercy International shares on Peace for Our World. As Christians, we are called to be involved in reconciliation and healing in our world. Peace with our world is grounded in the belief that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace, and through Him, we find true peace.

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Join us in a prayer of peace for our world this Christmas.

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